Cryptocurrencies are virtual currencies that are used for trading purposes. In it, cryptography is used for security.  In the past traditional currencies were used which operated using a more centralized network. Cryptocurrency is rather a more decentralized system. It is based on block chain technology. Block chain is basically a ledger used for distribution and used for buying and selling cryptocurrency. It is used to record all the transactions across multiple computers and ways of networking. Attorneys in Dubai are playing a good role over there along with Local LAW. UAE law defines and promotes the crypto business in the country.

The System: Whats special in it

This system follows a decentralized network. It offers a huge range of benefits to the users. It may provide greater security to the users. Moreover, a decentralized network offers a high level of transparency. There is a reduced transaction cost involved under decentralization. UAE national lawyers and UAE national legal consultants are found having great interest while providing the counselling and legal support in this new digital format.

Weaknesses are there

On the contrary, it also has its shortcomings and weaknesses. It is attached to unique challenges because of its relatively new concept. Cryptocurrencies are not regulated by a centralized system like paper currency. This has resulted in the beginning of a more developed regulatory framework. UAE has also responded positively to adopting cryptocurrency. The regulatory framework is introduced in the UAE to manage its utility.

Support by SCA

With the help of the Securities and Commodities Authority (SCA) the country overviews all the activities associated with cryptocurrency in the country. The SCA regulations cover a broad range of crypto assets. It covers the securities provided that are listed on organized markets. They cover cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other digital assets. All types of cryptocurrencies are used for investment purposes.

However, certain exclusions are applicable. Additionally, those crypto assets that are not listed on organized markets also have some disclosures. The SCA imposes minimal disclosure requirements for non-listed crypto assets. The specifications are specifically designed to inform investors about the potential risks.

Nonetheless, the SCA also has some limitations for crypto assets. They do not categorize crypto assets solely based on their intended utility. This approach is adopted to prevent the misclassification of assets. Moreover, it also ensures the regulations of the activities according to their actual characteristics and functions.

Regulations for Crypto

When a crypto asset is termed as a security, it must comply with the Securities and Commodities Authority SCA regulations. The Authority conducts a thorough assessment at first. It will help in determining whether a crypto qualifies as an asset or a security.

It may consider some crucial factors including the existence of the contractual rights against an issuer or even a pool of assets. In case, if an asset is classified as a security, it must adhere to stringent regulations.  If it is not, even then SCA regulations still apply.

For trading on the digital markets, the regulations will be applicable. On the other hand, peer-to-peer transfers and items are excluded from it.

Licensing Specification

To engage in cryptocurrency assets and financial activities requires licensing in the UAE it is essential to obtain the licensing from SCA. The licensing procedure is indifferent to orthodox financial activities.

Still, there are certain modifications in it due to the unique characteristics of the cryptocurrencies. Periodically, SCA issues detailed information concerning the licensing specification. Check with professional law firms or lawyers in United Arab Emirates. Attorneys in Dubai or lawyers in Dubai is a great choice, but lawyers in Abu Dhabi are also having great professional support.

  • The applicants are better advised to seek guidance from the SCA licensing division and the time-to-time publications. For the applications, the applications must adhere to the prescribed formats. Added, it is accompanied by thorough documents and paperwork.

Fee Structure and Power of SCA:

The SCA has also established a fee structure for it. Alongside this, there is a systematic requirement for the minimum capital for different categories of crypto assets. The fee structure is introduced to regulate the applications and the whole financial setup. Therefore, in case, if the application is rejected in the given time, the money is not refunded. The SCA does maintain the right to impose restrictions. For it, they may choose to temporarily suspend the license or request for resubmission. It is done in the greater public interest.

Future of Cryptocurrency:

The SCA has been established to regulate the market and also minimize the risks associated with cryptocurrency activities. Besides, it will also have a way of preventing financial crimes. The cryptocurrency sector continues to change over time and is still in its development phase, so it is advisable to seek the assistance of a lawyer or a legal professional. They can guide businesses and individuals to adapt to the new rules and legislation. The businesses can unleash business opportunities in the dynamic UAE market.